Monday, May 31, 2010

Bank Holiday Mondays - Who'd have them?

I've definitely had an eventful day...
Trip to Sainos this morning with Mum to meet Grandma for some reason or another, i think we left something there yesterday. There's 25% off all jewelery in there at the moment! Thought about stocking up on some more earrings but I couldn't make my mind up on which ones to get. Think I'll nip in next weekend if the offer is still on.
Had a bit of a film fest today, and when I say 'film fest' I actually mean that I watched all of 2 DVDs. But they were true epics - 'Snatch' (a Guy Ritchie film) and 'The Mighty Boosh Live: Future Sailors Tour'. Both pure awesomenesss :D
Got a bit peckish around 3 o clock so decided to take a trip to the shop to get a Pot Noodle to then discover it was closed because of 'Bank Holiday Monday'. How p****d was I? So cheese and beans toastie it was then...
Internet shopping was the next fun-filled activity on my list. So off I go, zooming through the relms of cyber-space straight to (thought I'd put the link in). There I bought 'Rock 'n' Rolla' another guy Ritchie Film, the Zara Phillips autobiography, and the next book in the 'Private' series that I'm reading at the moment, and might I add, it is extremely readable. Would highly reccomend it.
And last on the list - I HAVE FINALLY GOT MY OUTFIT FOR PRESENTATION DAY AT COLLEGE!! :D Omg, i can't wait, I'm so excited!

As you can see, I've gone for the 'Super Girlie' look. Well why not? I live in overalls and wellies! Ahaha!

Dress - £45 Next 
 3/4 Sleeved cardigan - £16 Next 
  Pink suede shoes - £35 Next 

Luckily enough Mum and Dad are treating me to the dress and shoes for doing so well on the course (SCORE!). I bought the cardigan today myself. Give me your opinion guys! :)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Nomming on a sunday night :)

So, Sunday teatime and I've just munched my way through apple crumble and custard, a cheese, salami, mayo and salad roll, with a bit of good ole Sainos pasta salad, a packet of S&V crisps and a nice ready formed scotch pancake all washed down with a glass of Tangoooo. In that exact order as well. I don't usually start with pudding but mum had cooked it so i thought, eh, why not? :P
Anyway, enough of my Sunday evening antics...
Spent the day with my best friend Alice from school yesterday and we caused utter chaos in the kitchen as we thought it would be a good idea to bake several billion tiny fairy cakes and then decorate them with butter cream icing. We basically mixed icing sugar and butter together and emptied half a bottle of lemon juice into it to give it 'flavour'. Yeah, that's what we called it...

As you can see, it just looks like a child has come in and just thrown sprinkles all over the place, but no, that was me. I got......'Sprinkle Happy' if you will. :D Funny times.