Monday, May 31, 2010

Bank Holiday Mondays - Who'd have them?

I've definitely had an eventful day...
Trip to Sainos this morning with Mum to meet Grandma for some reason or another, i think we left something there yesterday. There's 25% off all jewelery in there at the moment! Thought about stocking up on some more earrings but I couldn't make my mind up on which ones to get. Think I'll nip in next weekend if the offer is still on.
Had a bit of a film fest today, and when I say 'film fest' I actually mean that I watched all of 2 DVDs. But they were true epics - 'Snatch' (a Guy Ritchie film) and 'The Mighty Boosh Live: Future Sailors Tour'. Both pure awesomenesss :D
Got a bit peckish around 3 o clock so decided to take a trip to the shop to get a Pot Noodle to then discover it was closed because of 'Bank Holiday Monday'. How p****d was I? So cheese and beans toastie it was then...
Internet shopping was the next fun-filled activity on my list. So off I go, zooming through the relms of cyber-space straight to (thought I'd put the link in). There I bought 'Rock 'n' Rolla' another guy Ritchie Film, the Zara Phillips autobiography, and the next book in the 'Private' series that I'm reading at the moment, and might I add, it is extremely readable. Would highly reccomend it.
And last on the list - I HAVE FINALLY GOT MY OUTFIT FOR PRESENTATION DAY AT COLLEGE!! :D Omg, i can't wait, I'm so excited!

As you can see, I've gone for the 'Super Girlie' look. Well why not? I live in overalls and wellies! Ahaha!

Dress - £45 Next 
 3/4 Sleeved cardigan - £16 Next 
  Pink suede shoes - £35 Next 

Luckily enough Mum and Dad are treating me to the dress and shoes for doing so well on the course (SCORE!). I bought the cardigan today myself. Give me your opinion guys! :)

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