Monday, September 13, 2010

My brain is melting and I don't know what to write.

Kate has officially died. Of boredom. Jokes! But I am still well bored as usual. Going to the farm tomorrow to piss about sorting fat lambs out and moving sheep to various different fields round and about the villaaaaage and such things.
Start back at college and young farmers on Monday thank god! Got some serious partying to do! Definitely need some more routine in my life right now. I passed my theory the Friday before last as well! Woo! But now I have to wait for ageeeees for my actual test - 8th November :( I NEED MY LICENCE NOWWW!! Driving me up the bloody wall it is. Fully reclining seats are going to come in very handy when there's a good do on.

Anyway, my head is hurting now. Caaaaraaaazaaaay!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Another bad hair day as per usual.
Before I put my face on...


Got home from work and had a shower as normal, and my hair did not let me down as it was back to it's usual mop like self when I undid my towel-turban. But never the less, I pressed on with my titivations as my eyebrows were in serious need of some TLC as well, so I thought blow it, i'll do my make-up whilst i'm at it as well just for kicks. I did'nt go over the top with the eye make-up, just some neutral colours like browny-beigey sort of shimmery colours - all very pretty. For my face I just went for a light covering of the Rimmel Stay Matte foundation just to give myself that flawless sort of look, and finally I used my good old Rimmel blusher in 012 Coral Rose for rosie cheeks ;)

An improvement me thinks.

Ok guys, on the hair front: I french plaited my fringe and the front section of hair. For the sole purpose of keeping it off my face whilst waxing my eyebrows (I used Eyebrow shapers from Eylure btw), and I took them out after and as you can see now, I am the crinkle mister! I quite like it actually, doesn't look to bad......ok, so it does look a bit messy but that's kind of in at the moment...
Nevermind, i like it :)
I'll leave a photo of the products I used at the bottom.

Another scary face, but my hair does'nt look too bad :P

I'd thoroughly reccomend the Urban Decay palette - really good quality and the colours are lush!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bad hair day? You aint seen nothing yet!

Work today, (knackering) so it was just a bad hair day waiting to happen! I do have a bit of a wacky track record with my hair and when I really can't be bothered with it, it's at it's most scary. So are my eyebrows apparently...

Now, as you can tell, my hair can be a bit of a bugger to sort out, even at the best of times. So yeah ok, if I take my time to straighten it, it can look really nice...

...but when the hell does a farm girl like me get the time to straighten her hair every morning before college to, (in the words of Cheryl Cole) help 'get it's mojo back'? Exactly: I don't. 
My usual routine is pretty basic to say the least:
1. Wash hair.
2. Go to bed with wet hair.
3. Wake up with an uncooperative mass of frizz, and try to negotiate a brush through it.
4. Run the straighteners through it at full wack and hope for the best.

Now, I know this probably isn't the best way I should be treating my hair but what's a girl to do?! It's not straight, it's not curly, and it certainly is'nt nice even waves. It goes flat on the top then has all these horrible un-negotiable kinks and waves underneath. Neither here, nor there really. The only plus side is that it's always super silky, thanks to my miracle shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in serum from L'Oreal. I would thoroughly reccomend all 3 if you want 'run-your-fingers-through-it' hair. God, i'm starting to sound like a bloody advert! Hahaha. But no seriously, they're proper lush and everyone should use them :D Here is the link to the Nutri-Gloss range:
It's definitely worth a goosey-gander.
So, if anyone is actually reading the blog, please comment or message me with ways on how to tame my mop-head. Seriously guys, it would be much appreciated! Bed time now me thinks, hello bad hair day again...

Monday, May 31, 2010

Bank Holiday Mondays - Who'd have them?

I've definitely had an eventful day...
Trip to Sainos this morning with Mum to meet Grandma for some reason or another, i think we left something there yesterday. There's 25% off all jewelery in there at the moment! Thought about stocking up on some more earrings but I couldn't make my mind up on which ones to get. Think I'll nip in next weekend if the offer is still on.
Had a bit of a film fest today, and when I say 'film fest' I actually mean that I watched all of 2 DVDs. But they were true epics - 'Snatch' (a Guy Ritchie film) and 'The Mighty Boosh Live: Future Sailors Tour'. Both pure awesomenesss :D
Got a bit peckish around 3 o clock so decided to take a trip to the shop to get a Pot Noodle to then discover it was closed because of 'Bank Holiday Monday'. How p****d was I? So cheese and beans toastie it was then...
Internet shopping was the next fun-filled activity on my list. So off I go, zooming through the relms of cyber-space straight to (thought I'd put the link in). There I bought 'Rock 'n' Rolla' another guy Ritchie Film, the Zara Phillips autobiography, and the next book in the 'Private' series that I'm reading at the moment, and might I add, it is extremely readable. Would highly reccomend it.
And last on the list - I HAVE FINALLY GOT MY OUTFIT FOR PRESENTATION DAY AT COLLEGE!! :D Omg, i can't wait, I'm so excited!

As you can see, I've gone for the 'Super Girlie' look. Well why not? I live in overalls and wellies! Ahaha!

Dress - £45 Next 
 3/4 Sleeved cardigan - £16 Next 
  Pink suede shoes - £35 Next 

Luckily enough Mum and Dad are treating me to the dress and shoes for doing so well on the course (SCORE!). I bought the cardigan today myself. Give me your opinion guys! :)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Nomming on a sunday night :)

So, Sunday teatime and I've just munched my way through apple crumble and custard, a cheese, salami, mayo and salad roll, with a bit of good ole Sainos pasta salad, a packet of S&V crisps and a nice ready formed scotch pancake all washed down with a glass of Tangoooo. In that exact order as well. I don't usually start with pudding but mum had cooked it so i thought, eh, why not? :P
Anyway, enough of my Sunday evening antics...
Spent the day with my best friend Alice from school yesterday and we caused utter chaos in the kitchen as we thought it would be a good idea to bake several billion tiny fairy cakes and then decorate them with butter cream icing. We basically mixed icing sugar and butter together and emptied half a bottle of lemon juice into it to give it 'flavour'. Yeah, that's what we called it...

As you can see, it just looks like a child has come in and just thrown sprinkles all over the place, but no, that was me. I got......'Sprinkle Happy' if you will. :D Funny times.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Dear you.

No words could ever describe the way i feel for you. You're always on my mind and in my heart and I will never stop loving you, no matter what happens.

You're the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I think about when I go to sleep at night.

When I'm with you it feels like I'm the best person I could ever be and you make me feel like I'm the only person in the world that matters. Words cannot describe how special you make me feel.

I love you to the ends of the earth and back and I'm never going to let you go - as a best friend or otherwise.

Babe, I love you.  xxx