Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bad hair day? You aint seen nothing yet!

Work today, (knackering) so it was just a bad hair day waiting to happen! I do have a bit of a wacky track record with my hair and when I really can't be bothered with it, it's at it's most scary. So are my eyebrows apparently...

Now, as you can tell, my hair can be a bit of a bugger to sort out, even at the best of times. So yeah ok, if I take my time to straighten it, it can look really nice...

...but when the hell does a farm girl like me get the time to straighten her hair every morning before college to, (in the words of Cheryl Cole) help 'get it's mojo back'? Exactly: I don't. 
My usual routine is pretty basic to say the least:
1. Wash hair.
2. Go to bed with wet hair.
3. Wake up with an uncooperative mass of frizz, and try to negotiate a brush through it.
4. Run the straighteners through it at full wack and hope for the best.

Now, I know this probably isn't the best way I should be treating my hair but what's a girl to do?! It's not straight, it's not curly, and it certainly is'nt nice even waves. It goes flat on the top then has all these horrible un-negotiable kinks and waves underneath. Neither here, nor there really. The only plus side is that it's always super silky, thanks to my miracle shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in serum from L'Oreal. I would thoroughly reccomend all 3 if you want 'run-your-fingers-through-it' hair. God, i'm starting to sound like a bloody advert! Hahaha. But no seriously, they're proper lush and everyone should use them :D Here is the link to the Nutri-Gloss range:
It's definitely worth a goosey-gander.
So, if anyone is actually reading the blog, please comment or message me with ways on how to tame my mop-head. Seriously guys, it would be much appreciated! Bed time now me thinks, hello bad hair day again...

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